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Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Thursday, December 24, 2009
May peace break into your home and may thieves come to steal your debts.
May the pockets of your jeans become a magnet for $100 bills.
May love stick to your face like Vaseline and may laughter assault your lips!
May happiness slap you across the face and may your tears be that of joy.
May the problems you had forget your home address!
In simple words ............
May 2010 be the best year of your life!!!
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
As a Realtor I am asked quite often what should you do with your crawl space vents? Leave them open or close them?
As I thought about itI would have thought the obvious would be to close them. Think of all the water lines that may be in the crawl space and a cold winter night with a bone chilling 20 mile per hour wind. Common since says to close them. So lets go to the experts and see what they say. Below is a question and answer from a home inspector and I agree in the fullest!
I have a question about the Winter Check list article. One of the things the checklist said to do was close the vents to the crawl space (especially near plumbing).
In the past, I have heard not to block the vents unless it is going to be below freezing for a long period of time. I was under the assumption that venting under a foundation, and an attic was just as important in the winter as it is in the summer. Am I wrong?
You are correct, it is important to keep from building up excessive moisture in the crawl. It is also important to keep the pipes from freezing. This is always a source of confusion when we talk about venting in the cold weather.
In attics, you have the heat rising up from the house meeting with the cold air of the attic, and creating a condition for moisture if not properly vented. This makes the cold months the ones that create the best conditions for having moisture problems in the attic.
The summer months create the best condition for moisture in the crawl space. However, anytime you have two different temperatures getting together you have moisture concerns.
I recommend leaving the crawl space vents open until the temperature gets below freezing. This will keep pipes from freezing. But, make sure to re-open them when the temperature gets above freezing.
Monday, December 21, 2009
Seller is very motivated and says sell this home. Owners have used it as a week end home every few months so is like new. Furniture is available if desired.
This large custom-built mountain homeis on a quiet and secluded 5-acre site just 15 minutes from town. The views are unlimited, and the home has been built and designed to capture the views from the large open living area as well as the two porches on the view side of the home. The home also features a two-car oversized garage, emergency generator, gas log stone fireplace, much more. The 5 acres lot next door can be purchased if Buyer desires.
The home sits atop a private knoll at a 3000+ foot elevationand on a secluded 5-acre site that's only 15 min. to town. Just over 7 miles to Historic Downtown Brevard. Paved roads and drive as well as a circular drive at the main level and lower level features and over sized 2 car garages with shop area.
The Views are Spectacular!Not only Long Range Mountain views to the Blue Ridge Parkway, but you are blessed with a view of the largest lake in "Connestee Falls". The views are totally spectacular!
The owners designed and custom builtthe home to by one of our top area builders, to capture the expansive views from nearly every room. The free flowing open floor plan & living areas accented by a grand living room that features custom built-ins, a soaring 22' ceiling, Windows with electrically operated shades. rock fireplace with gas logs (wood burning also), & Oak Hardwood floors.
In the grand living room is a custom designed and built staircase that leads to a larges sitting-reading area with views, full bath in a quest suite style bedroom.
The Gourmet kitchen features top of the line appliances with granite tops and once again a view that will captivate any chef.
There is extensive decking systems including a screen porch. There are so many features call or e-mail me for the floor plan and further details as I could go on and on about this extremely well priced mountain home.
For more pictures and other listing click here:
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Home Is Where the Heart Is during Holiday Season
RISMEDIA, December 16, 2009—For many Americans, a home is still where the heart is during the holiday season. According to a recent survey conducted by Weichert, Realtors, a new house was the most popular item on consumers’ holiday wish list and the home was the place they most wanted to spend their time during the holidays.
The study of visitors found that 51% would choose a new house if they could have just one holiday wish granted this year, while 21% would wish for a new car. Surprisingly, despite today’s challenging job market, only 14% had a new job at the top of their list.
When asked where they would most enjoy spending the holidays, it was clear Americans still equate the holidays with home. A majority of respondents, 55%, said they would most enjoy spending the holidays in their own home, 27% opted for time at a relatives and 3% preferred to visit with close friends. Still, the holiday is seen as a time to get away and vacation for 14% of Americans. However, only 1% of respondents felt they would most enjoy spending the holidays at a restaurant.
“The home often serves as the backdrop for many warm holiday memories,” said James M. Weichert, president and founder of Weichert, Realtors, one of the nation’s largest independently owned real estate companies. “From a mantle to hang the stockings to a roof to display the lights to a dinning table to gather around, a home offers many ways to celebrate the holidays and share special moments with family and friends.”
The survey also revealed that the joy of giving remains the best gift of all during the holiday season. Nearly nine out of 10 respondents said giving a gift that makes someone’s day is more satisfying than getting a gift that lets you know someone cares.
Winter here but Spring around the corner so Review The Landscape Before You Buy Or Sell
Spring is typically a good time for homeowners to start preparing to sell their homes because families interested in moving will often look now so that they can buy a home just in time for the kids to go on summer break.
Landscaping and curb appeal are among the top areas that buyers notice first. In fact, some studies show that good quality landscaping can increase the value of a home from 5 to 11 percent. Elements such as curving flowering beds and design sophistication attract buyers more easily than just rectangular boxes filled with flowers. Plant size and the diversity of plant material are also important to buyers. And colorful plants that often don't cost much to put in such as annuals can really brighten the look and the appeal of a yard.
That's why as the country gradually starts to thaw out, many sellers start to spiff up their homes and gardens to make them irresistible to buyers but these things can bring unwanted guests as well. If you don't plan carefully, you could be building an attractive garden that leads a trail of ants right inside your home.
"If you build a beautiful mulch garden around your home, you want some sort of a concrete barrier or some other material besides wood between the mulch area and your home," says Nic Izatt, branch manager for Antac Pest Control.
Izatt says it's very important to not have any earth-to-wood contact. He says that having a garden too close to your home without any barrier can encourage ant and termite colonies to develop.
So while you may be looking to create value and appeal give consideration to things that might not only attract insects (which can be a minor or major problem) but also consider how the overall landscape is working in a yard.
The American Society of Home Inspectors cautions buyers and sellers that, as they are enjoying the pretty landscape, they need to be sure to give a careful check on how the elements all function together. For instance, are the plants healthy? Is the placement of large trees, the garden or lawn in a hazardous position or sloping toward the home? Is foliage too close to the home? Again, this can become a breeding ground for insects. Taking note of these types of possible landscape issues can help to ward off future headaches.
Here are a few things to watch for when either getting your yard ready for sale or when looking to buy.
Get to the root of it: while seeing exactly where trees roots are located can be a bit difficult, spotting any obvious signs of lifting or cracking sidewalks or driveways can be an indication that there is a root problem. The opposite also poses a problem. If you see areas where the yard is sunken in, that could indicate a leaking sewer line resulting from a root interference problem.
Know the topography: understand potential risks such as if you're located at the bottom of a hillside. In heavy rains the water will flow downward toward the foundation of your home, possibly causing flood.
Limb control: notice if tree limbs are out of control, branching out in every direction and touching the roof or interfering with power lines. Watch out for tree limbs that are hanging over chimneys as animals can climb down the chimney but also the branches could block the draft, creating higher carbon monoxide levels in the home.
Close-up look: closely examine plants in your yard and be sure that you don't see mushrooms or fungus growing at the bottom of the trees as that can be a warning sign of a health issue.
Landscaping that's been thoughtfully created and taken care of will be a huge benefit to both the seller and the buyer.
Keeping your kids safe on Social Media Sites
RISMEDIA, June 4, 2008-June is Internet Safety month. With hundred of millions of teens, pre-teens-and adults-around the world using social networking sites, there’s no better time for parents to be aware of the fun, the benefits, the powerful attractions, and the potential risks that MySpace, Facebook and other similar sites offer their children., a leader in Internet safety solutions, has assembled a list of practical tips parents can use to ensure a safe networking environment for kids:
1. Show Interest - Ask questions about how your child’s preferred social networking site or sites work. Kids are generally happy to demonstrate their knowledge if you show genuine interest. You can even ask your teen to show you how to set up your own social networking site-a great way to visit your child’s page and see what’s been posted there.
2. Encourage Instinctive Responses - Kids often can instinctively do the right thing, which makes them their own first defense against those who may take advantage online. Encourage your children to avoid contact with people they “feel funny about.” Tell them to not reveal anything online they would not want a stranger to know. Limit the posting of pictures and remind them that once something is placed online, it can never be taken back.
3. Know Your Kids’ Passwords - If your child changes his or her password suddenly and refuses to share it with you, that’s trouble. Insist on knowing how to access his or her accounts-then keep their confidence by not sharing the information with their friends or siblings.
4. Set Hours for When Kids Can Access Social Networks - Late nights are the favorite time for predators to seek out their adolescent prey. Set firm limits not only for the time of day, but also the total amount of time, that your children may access social networking sites.
5. Be Aware of Alternate Access Points - Kids don’t have to access their social networks at home. Libraries, friends’ houses, even cell phones make the Internet easy to reach today. Keep up with what’s happening on your child’s social networking page and be aware when changes have been made despite the lack of access from home.
6. Exercise Your Parental Right to Supervise - There’s a difference between being snoopy and ensuring safe activity. You don’t have to read every last word of a personal message your son or daughter sends to a friend. But you do have the right-and the obligation-to see who your kids are talking to, and to know the general subject matter.
7. Check for Photos - By clicking on the Windows “Start” button, you’ll find the “Search” tool. Click on “Pictures, Music or Video,” the box next to “Pictures and Photos,” and finally “Search”. Ask your child to identify any photos of strangers, or any other pictures you find questionable.
8. Install Filtering Software - PC products like Safe Eyes allow parents to block or record Instant Messenger chats, limit e-mail use to prescribed addresses, block objectionable websites (including peer-to-peer file sharing programs that often expose kids to inappropriate material), and receive alerts when kids post personal information on social networking sites.
9. Watch for CyberBullying - Encourage your children to tell you immediately if they are being harassed online. Children also need to know that it is not acceptable to be a party to cyberbullying-or to remain silent when they know others are being harassed.
10. Don’t Lecture - Finally, if you should find reasons for concern, don’t browbeat, insult or condescend to your child. Have a discussion about values and why they are important. Respect your child but be firm. And most of all, lead by example. Parents have a powerful ability to influence their child’s behavior-and nothing is more powerful than someone who not only talks values, but lives them.
“Parents should never feel that their level of involvement in their child’s social network activity is excessive. Since 1998, the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children’s CyberTipline has logged over 33,000 tips about children being enticed online for sexual acts,” said Shane Kenny, President and COO of “Better that the parent error on the side of intrusion, rather than bear the consequences of doing nothing.”
For more information, visit
Brutus wins the medal of honor and he is a Dog and Pets Ten Commandments
The K9 above is Brutus, a Military K9 at McChord. He's huge - part Boxer and part British Bull Mastiff and tops the scales at 200 lbs. His handler took the picture. Brutus is running toward me because he knows I have some Milk Bone treats, so he's slobbering away! I had to duck around a tree just before he got to me in case he couldn't stop, but he did. Brutus won the Congressional Medal of Honor last year from his tour in Iraq . His handler and four other soldiers were taken hostage by insurgents.
Brutus and his handler communicate by sign language and he gave Brutus the signal that meant 'go away but come back and find me'. The Iraqis paid no attention to Brutus. He came back later and quietly tore the throat out of one guard at one door and another guard at another door. He then jumped against one of the doors repeatedly (the guys were being held in an old warehouse) until it opened. He went in and untied his handler and they all escaped. He's the first K9 to receive this honor. If he knows you're ok, he's a big old lug and wants to sit in your lap. Enjoys the company of cats. K-9 Congressional Medal of Honor Winner Thought you'd find this interesting.. Talk about animal intelligence and bonding with humans! Remember that they can't do a lot of things for themselves and that they depend on you to make their life a quality life!
1. My life is likely to last 10-15 years. Any separation from you is likely to be painful.
2. Give me time to understand what you want of me
3. Place your trust in me. It is crucial for my well-being.
4. Don't be angry with me for long and don't lock me up as punishment. You have your work, your friends, your entertainment, but I have only you.
5. Talk to me. Even if I don't understand your words, I do understand your voice when speaking to me.
6. Be aware that however you treat me, I will never forget it.
7. Before you hit me, before you strike me, remember that I could hurt you, and yet, I choose not to bite you.
8. Before you scold me for being lazy or uncooperative, ask yourself if something might be bothering me. Perhaps I'm not getting the right food, I have been in the sun too long, or my heart might be getting old or weak.
9. Please take care of me when I grow old. You too, will grow old.
10. On the ultimate difficult journey, go with me please. Never say you can't bear to watch. Don't make me face this alone. Everything is easier for me if you are there, because I love you so.
~Take a moment today to thank God for your pets. Enjoy and take good care of them.
Life would be a much duller, less joyful experience without God's critters.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Planning Board in Brevard NC still working on first ever zoning
As a member of the planning board for TransylvaniaCounty I can attest to the huge task we had before us to come up with the first ever zoning in the County. Not completed yet as we still have the CountyCommissioners to approve and adopt. Tonight we have a meeting on Brevard with the CountyCommissioners as well as the Pisgah Forest Community to discuss the proposed map and ordnance.
The Planning Board and staff finalized a draft zoning ordinance for the PisgahForest area at their November 19th regular meeting and identified the properties that should be zoned. This has been an exceptional and lengthy process that has required a tremendous amount of time and energy by board members and staff (particularly Mike Thomas and Trish Hamilton). Trying to develop an ordinance that meets the diverse needs of the citizens living in the PisgahForest area, the City of Brevard Council Members and the CountyCommissioners was a challenge. The Planning Board members have worked hard to craft a document that seeks the right balance – looking particularly at “community” and restrictions that focus, as noted in the initial study committee’s recommendations, on future growth along the US 64 and NC 280 corridors. The draft is currently on-line at
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Home prices rose for the second consecutive quarter this year, according to Freddie Mac's recently released quarterly national Conventional Home Price Index (CMHPI) Purchase-Only Series, adding evidence the nation's housing market is warming up.
The government mortgage entity's home-price-growth index rose 0.9 percent in the third quarter, following an upwardly revised 2 percent pickup in the second quarter. The increases of the past two quarters made up for about two-fifths of the declines registered during the final quarter of 2008 and the first quarter of 2009. U.S. home-sale prices were down 3.9 percent year-over-year.
"The home-price gains of the past two quarters reflect improving existing-home sales over that period. Sales volume was up 15 percent between the first and third quarters of this year," said Frank Nothaft, Freddie Mac vice president and chief economist, in a statement.
"The lowest average fixed-rate mortgage rates in a half-century, lower house prices, incentives to encourage first-time buyers, and loan modification efforts to stem foreclosures have worked together to support sales and reduce the inventory of unsold homes."
Seven of the nine U.S. Census divisions saw increases in prices in the third quarter, although "prices are still down relative to their peaks in most markets," Nothaft said.
"Values in the New England, East North Central and Pacific divisions are at 2004 levels, on average, and the South Atlantic, West North Central, and Mountain states' home values are at 2005 levels.
"In contrast, average values in the West South Central area have tied their previous peak from the third quarter of 2008, while average home values in the Middle Atlantic and East South Central states have reached 2006 and 2007 levels, respectively," he added.
The biggest gains came in the Pacific region, which jumped up 3.9 percent in the third quarter of 2009, followed by the Middle Atlantic region, up 1.1 percent.
The South Atlantic region rose 0.6 percent, and the West North Central region rose 0.5 percent. Both the East South Central and East North Central regions rose 0.2 percent. The West South Central region saw the smallest growth at 0.1 percent.
Two regions saw decreases in home prices. The Mountain region decreased 0.6 percent, and the New England region fell by 0.7 percent.
Warming trends in the housing market are also evident in a Standard & Poor's/Case-Shiller U.S. National Home Price Index report, which also showed a second consecutive quarterly increase in the third quarter, albeit a rosier 3.1 percent increase.
Freddie Mac's Conventional Mortgage Home Price Index Purchase-Only Series is constructed from observations of actual sales prices or appraised values of the same homes over time.
The index excludes all refinancings in its calculations. It includes transactions on one-unit detached and single-family townhouse properties serving as collateral on loans originated through the third quarter of 2009 and purchased by Freddie Mac or Fannie Mae by Oct. 31, 2009.
Source: Inman News
1974 Pisgah Forest Farms / Estates was established on Black Knob Mt in 1974 and was then known as ‘Pisgah Forest Farms Community Development'. It was created by a Mr. Red Belcher who lived in Florida and was the owner of the Belcher Oil Company. Mr. Belcher, his wife and his butler, William Byrd, would spend a few days here throughout the year. His home was the big house against the mountainside (on the left as you turn in off Hart Road).
1975 In July Mr. & Mrs. Tom Smith moved here from New York and managed this land for Mr. Belcher from 1979 until 1987. Pisgah Forest Dr was paved from Hart Rd to Falcon Rd and it was gravel from Falcon Rd up to the top and around to the back. There were six homes here then, all below the power lines. They were owned by Tom and Kathleen Smith, George and Virginia Spahn, Wendell and Lois Hill, Mr. & Mrs. Camp, Mr. & Mrs. Heller and Mr. & Mrs. Steve Lamphier. Billy Parker was the property manager at the time and Tom Smith took over in 1979.
c1978 Mr. Belcher deeded Pisgah Forest Farms, Inc to Brevard College.
1980 The first Restrictive Covenants and Bylaws were created and approved.
1982 Brevard College sold Pisgah Forest Farms, Inc to Brevard Trust, Inc - a group of 15 Florida investors. The Reed property, which is adjacent to the SW edge of Pisgah Forest Farms / Estates, was granted access to Pisgah Forest Dr.
1987 Mr. Belcher passed away.
1989 When Mr. & Mrs. Quillen moved here there were 24 homes on the mountain and we have added an average of two homes a year since.
1990 A developer by the name of Robert Re purchased Pisgah Forest Farms / Estates from Brevard Trust, Inc.
1995 Mr. Re brought in Line Runner, a North Carolina General Partnership created by Mike R Meany. It was at this time that the Restrictive Covenants were amended and revised to reflect the partnership of Robert Re and Mike Meany.
2007 Pisgah Forest Farms / Estates was admitted to the Firewise Communities/USA program by the National Wildfire Coordinating group - a part of the US Forest Service.
2008 The Restrictive Covenants were again amended to reflect the fact that the community is now completely home & lot owner owned and controlled.
2009 There are now 62 homes in this mountain community. Mrs. Kathleen Smith has lived here 34 years - the only remaining community ‘pioneer'... Mr. Tom Smith passed away 21 years ago - a result of cancer.
There are 2 other mini communities within the development called The Pinnacle and Forest Park For further information visit
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Firewise Principles
First of all, we have had two fires on our mountain in 2009 - fortunately small but both were avoidable... The first could be avoided by soaking fireplace or wood stove ashes for 24 hours in a steel bucket (such as item # 291653 from Lowes) before dumping them outdoors. The other by not leaving a debris fire burning unattended - as a contractor did recently. Little River VFD and NCDFR rangers responded promptly to both fires.
In order to effectively protect your home from loss during a forest fire (wildfire) you need to understand two main concepts: one is the ‘Home Ignition Zone' and the other is ‘Defensible Space'. The home ignition zone extends out 100 to 200 feet from your home (depending on degree of slope) and is actually composed of three zones.
Zone 1 extends out 5 feet from your home, deck and out buildings and is the most critical - in this zone anything flammable should be removed. This would include leaves, pine straw, pine bark, mulch, firewood, volatile shrubs, trees, etc. It would also include removing leaves and pine straw from your roof and gutters. The reason that this is so important is that a fire brand (burning ember) can travel a mile or more from the fire. If it lands in this ‘fuel' it will likely start a fire that could spread to your home. This would be true as well if a fire reaches your property but more homes are lost due to flaming embers than actual contact with the wildfire.
Zone 2 extends 10 feet out and can contain a well kept lawn, widely spaced trees and very low volatile shrubs.
Zone 3 extends 30-100 feet but the first 30 feet are the most important here - no leaves or twigs on the ground, no firewood stored, 10 feet between trees and no limbs below 10 feet from the ground (these are called ‘ladder fuel').
If you have done all of this you have created a Defensible Space where firefighters can work to save your home.
In a recent article in the fall 2009 City of Brevard Newsletter there was an article with the question "What happens to your glass"???
Here is an excerpt of what was in the article that I found quite interesting. Here in Brevard NC you can recycle and a company called GDS will pick up recyclable materials. The article states the Green, brown and clear glass is recycled each week on the curb in special containers. I applaud everyone that recycles! Not only is it easy but it saves the ever so valuable landfill space and the high cost of lining the landfills to created more space.
Last year the City of Brevard recycled nearly 82 tons of glass. Amazing how much glass we use in or daily lives. Once glass reaches the recycle center it is first separated form all the other recyclables like cans, plastic and paper products. It is then transported to manufacturers for processing to individual vendors specifications in Raleigh NC and Atlanta Georgia. The glass travels a longs ways but it is well worth it!
Then the contaminants are removed from the glass and jars with labels on them are usually crushed into what is called cullet. Then the crushed glass is melted down in a super hot furnace and naturally all the labels are burned off in the process and this glass is used to make new glass. Maybe your next windshield or salsa container just might be from your efforts. Naturally this process takes less energy than starting from scratch making new glass and we not only reap the benefits of lower waste but less expensive glass that gets passed on to the consumer.
According to GDS, your clear and green glass are processed and sold to Owens Corning, who then uses the glass as fiberglass insulation. Interesting that Brown glass is reprocessed back into brown bottle only.
Bottom line... recycles and save energy, our countries precious resources and best of all create American jobs. It doesn’t take much time and energy to do you part!
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
* Minimize the chances of spontaneous combustion by temporarily storing work rags and other flammable waste in a fire -resistant container until they can be can properly disposed.
* To reduce water hammer, a banging noise in water pipes, shut off the incoming water to your home. Open the highest and lowest valves, often a bath valve and an outdoor hose bibb. Drain all water from these pipes, to restore air cushions in the plumbing system. Turn the incoming water back on. Open each faucet in the house, which may release air before water flows. this should eliminate or diminish the noise.
* Clean a garbage disposal, by grinding up two trays of ice cubes made from a mixture of one half cup white vinegar to one half gallon of water. Be sure to clearly label them so no one tries to use them.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
This months is one that is a bit of a follow up of what I wrote on about Winter Depressions and very timely.
With the holidays here and the economy as such, the "holiday blues" may try to consume your life. Many factors can attribute to the "holiday blues": shorter daylight hours, fatigue, financial constraints, communication, and the inability to be with ones' family and friends during the holidays. There are several steps you may take to have a happy holiday season:
◦Set realistic financial and time goals. You may have a limited amount of holiday spending funds. Remember, it is the thought that counts, not the price you pay. Often a home made gift, or a hand-me down gift is more cherished and less expensive than a purchased item. List and prioritize your seasonal activities. Do only the ones at the top of the list and that you have time for. Let others share the responsibilities of holiday tasks. Make time for yourself.
◦Volunteer to help others.
◦Avoid or limit your consumption of alcohol. Alcohol is a chemical depressant.
◦Spend your holiday time with supportive and caring people. Reach out and make new friends, or contact someone you haven't heard from in a while.
◦Some people suffer from seasonal affective disorder (SAD) as a result of the shorter daylight hours. Phototherapy, a treatment involving a few hours of exposure to intense light, is often shown to help alleviate the systems from SAD.
◦Acknowledge your feelings. Sometimes it is okay to feel sad and grieve. It is okay to take time to cry and/or express your feelings. You can't force yourself to be happy just because of the holidays.
◦Live in the moment and enjoy the present.
Monday, November 30, 2009
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Holidays and Winter Months for some are some of the hardest months to deal with. I know family members that get depressed as winter sets in and the days get shorter and the weather gets gloomy.
I know all of us all of us have lost loved ones and who do we think about during the holidays...well I think of those that have gone on before us, and how much I miss them. Below are some tips I found on Money Pit that will sure help. Enjoy the tips.
And most important is to love those around you, forgive those that have wronged you, pray for those that need our prayers and lastly keep in mind there are far more people less fortunate than us, and do something special to help them. Examples are our countries food banks and homeless shelters have greater demand now than they have had in there history. Lastly take the time to smile and give some praise to a fellow worker ad you never know what that person may be going through.
The long, dark days of winter tend to give project-loving homeowners the blues. But you don't have to wait for spring to arrive or the stock market to soar to get your DIY groove back. A few dollar-wise home improvement projects can spruce up your home and your spirits, and help beat the winter blues.
Best foot forward: Spruce up the front door by polishing door hardware, rolling out a new doormat and making sure porch lights are in order and equipped with fresh bulbs at the maximum wattage allowed by the fixture.
Add color: Plant winter color in porch front containers and strategic spots along walkways or landscape beds.
Inside gardens: Start spring early with planters of forced bulbs or a mini herb garden stationed in a sunny window.
Bright lights: Nothing helps beat the winter blues better than bright lights. Be alert to needs in your indoor lighting scheme, and make additions and adjustments for warm, welcoming comfort throughout your family's waking hours.
More décor: Warm up living areas with colorful throws and comfy pillows, adding spring tones and textures as the next season draws near.
Winter may be long and dark but your decorating scheme doesn't have to be. ith a few simple home improvements, you can brighten up your space and your attitude, and beat the winter blues.
Very Well Put ! May the lights be turned on in the minds of our current politicians!
During this political season lets be reminded of these words:
You cannot help the poor by destroying the rich.
You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong.
You cannot bring about prosperity by discouraging thrift.
You cannot lift the wage earner up by pulling the wage payer down.
You cannot further the brotherhood of man by inciting class hatred.
You cannot build character and courage by taking away men's initiative and independence.
You cannot help men permanently by doing for them what they could and should do for themselves. --
Abraham Lincoln
Monday, November 23, 2009
I just returned from a long need vacation (3 years since last one) and loved every minute of it. The 3 ports we entered while on a cruise reminded me why America is the best place in the entire world to live in. At 2 of the ports in Mexico you exit the ship to be greeted by the Mexican military with fully automatic weapons and they looked like they would enjoy using them at any minute. I asked why they needed them from a local and he said they are there to protect us. America is so blessed not be greeted by military at local malls, grocery stores and banks.
At their banks they had at least 2 guards at every bank with shot guns and or American automatic weapons standing outside the bank, and no telling who or what was inside. Once again to protect us?
With this week being Thanksgiving we need to remember why the early settlers risked their lives so they could have freedom. Folks they did this not only for themselves but future generations which we are now one of. The actual first Thanksgiving was is Florida, as when they arrived off the ship they immediately gave thanks for the safe voyage and had a party so to speak, and bringing them to a place where freedom of Worship is allowed. That year around half of them died as life was extremely hard. I ask why do we complain, why are we not thankful? I would venture to say as tough as Real Estate is today with many of our members leaving the business as they can no longer pay the fees to stay in, and some at the brink of loosing there homes and being homeless. What’s our excuse for not being thankful for where we live and what God has given us?
I am sure there are many that will read this will almost immediately close it and not read on but for those of us that do, take a minute and be thankful for all that we have. Take a minute and pray for those less fortunate than us, take a minute and ask yourself what I can do to help someone this holiday season, what can I do every day from her on out. I know the income has been awful, expenses of staying in Real Estate continue to go up, but look in your pantry, your closet, your garage at all the stuff we Americans hoard up.
Be kind to others as you never know what they are going through! Empty out those items in your house that you can no longer wear, donate furniture, and donate your time at the food shelters. And most of all take time to thank God for what he has done for you and your family!
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Friday, November 6, 2009
New Listing in Turkey Pen Gap with year round views and only $99,000
The best things in life-friends, family.. read on for a great quote!
I recently ran across the quote and was impressed by the truth in it. Today we are so busy we find ourselves at times not even speaking to our spouses much less the kids. Let’s wake up and smell the roses so to speak. Life hear on earth is too short so lets take the time to enjoy it! You all know I am preaching to my self! Jay Kaiser
“Often, all those unnecessary things we buy for ourselves and our kids are simply distractions from the people we love,” he says. “They send the message that it’s necessary to spend a lot of money in order to have a good time. It’s not, of course. The best things in life—friends, family, quiet evenings at home just being together—really are free. Sometimes it’s good to be reminded of that.” Eric Tyson, MBA
Congress giving homebuyers a big new tax break - Yahoo! News
WASHINGTON – Missed out on Cash for Clunkers? Congress has another deal for you: Buy a home before May 1 and collect up to $6,500 from the government. If you're a first-time homebuyer, get up to $8,000.
As part of the government's efforts to encourage people to spend money to help revive the economy, the House voted 403-12 Thursday to expand a popular tax credit for homebuyers. The bill, which also extends unemployment benefits and expands a tax break for money-losing businesses, now goes to President Barack Obama, who plans to sign it Friday.
First-time homebuyers have been getting tax credits of up to $8,000 since January as part of the economic stimulus package. But with that housing program scheduled to expire at the end of November, the House voted to extend it into the spring — and to expand it to many people who already own homes.
Buyers who have owned their current homes at least five years would be eligible, subject to income limits, for tax credits of up to $6,500. First-time homebuyers — or people who haven't owned homes in the previous three years — could get up to $8,000. To qualify, buyers have to sign purchase agreements before May 1 and close before July 1.
One thing for sure is the Realtors, home buyers and the economy really needs this. We have to create jobs and I am worried that the Government is still backing big business and their overseas companies.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
First Time Home Buyers Tax Credit Extension just needs the Presidents Signature
This is really exciting for my buyer that is so close to the wire about getting the tax credit. We have been sweating bullet's trying to make sure all inspections. water samples, septic, etc. and the banks getting it done with all there new regulations.
WASHINGTON- Missed out on Cash for Clunkers? Congress has another deal for you: Buy a home before May 1 and collect up to $6,500 from the government. If you're a first-time home buyer, get up to $8,000.
Aspart of the government's efforts to encourage people to spend money to help revive the economy, the House voted 403-12 Thursday to expand a popular tax credit for home buyers. The bill, which also extends unemployment benefits and expands a tax break for money-losing businesses, now goes to President Barack Obama, who plans to sign it Friday.
First-timehome buyers have been getting tax credits of up to $8,000 since January as part of the economic stimulus package. But with that housing program scheduled to expire at the end of November, the House voted to extend it into the spring - and to expand it to many people who already own homes.
Buyerswho have owned their current homes at least five years would be eligible, subject to income limits, for tax credits of up to $6,500. First-time home buyers - or people who haven't owned homes in the previous three years - could get up to $8,000. To qualify, buyers have to sign purchase agreements before May 1 and close before July 1.
Read More here from Yahoo news:
Watch Video here:
Monday, November 2, 2009
Know the Difference between Cold and H1N1 Flu Symptoms
Know the Difference between Cold and H1N1 Flu Symptoms
Symptom | Cold | H1N1 Flu |
Fever | Fever is rare with a cold. | Fever is usually present with the flu in up to 80% of all flu cases. A temperature of 100°F or higher for 3 to 4 days is associated with the flu. |
Coughing | A hacking, productive (mucus- producing) cough is often present with a cold. | A non-productive (non-mucus producing) cough is usually present with the flu (sometimes referred to as dry cough). |
Aches | Slight body aches and pains can be part of a cold. | Severe aches and pains are common with the flu. |
Stuffy Nose | Stuffy nose is commonly present with a cold and typically resolves spontaneously within a week. | Stuffy nose is not commonly present with the flu. |
Chills | Chills are uncommon with a cold. | 60% of people who have the flu experience chills. |
Tiredness | Tiredness is fairly mild with a cold. | Tiredness is moderate to severe with the flu. |
Sneezing | Sneezing is commonly present with a cold. | Sneezing is not common with the flu. |
Sudden Symptoms | Cold symptoms tend to develop over a few days. | The flu has a rapid onset within 3-6 hours. The flu hits hard and includes sudden symptoms like high fever, aches and pains. |
Headache | A headache is fairly uncommon with a cold. | A headache is very common with the flu, present in 80% of flu cases. |
Sore Throat | Sore throat is commonly present with a cold. | Sore throat is not commonly present with the flu. |
Chest Discomfort | Chest discomfort is mild to moderate with a cold. | Chest discomfort is often severe with the flu. |
The only way to stop the spread of the epidemic is to spread the awareness.
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Do you know if your agent is an expert in the areas your looking in?
What are Realtors Boundaries/Market areas today? Do we follow the Code of Ethics?
As a Realtor we are all bound by the National Association of Realtors Code of Ethics and I have concerns we may be stepping over the boundaries. These codes are how we as professionals are to operate our day in and day out business. Or at least we raised our right hand and swore that we would.
With the emergence of the internet, Regional MLS systems, blogging, agent and company web sites, IDX, soon to be in some areas State Wide IDX or Vow's and rumors of potential State wide MLS systems, what is your agents working territory?
So we all put ourselves out to you the public as experts in our area that we call our market area, but our web sites paint a different picture. The question we all need to answer is how far out is this area? With the scarcity of client-customers these days I see agents extending the boundaries beyond what they should be, in hopes of making a sale?
Having been in the business since 1975 and worked 3 to 5 counties over those many long years does this make me an expert and a knowledgeable agent in all of those areas? I think not. I have attached Article 11 of the Code of Ethics as a reminder to all of us about what our boundaries are. I know we are licensed in a state and can sell anywhere in the state, but could I sell 250 miles away and follow Article 11?
Sure I could, but would I want to? Think about it how would I know some 430 miles away or further who would be the best attorney's surveyors, inspectors. I worry more about what might be going on down the street that would harm our customer and so on, or not knowing the community is in trouble financially etc. In short I can assure you I know my area but yours I can't so referrals is the best and safest way to go so I can continue to work for many more years without fears of law suits.
As buyers and sellers per the statics 80+ percent of you search the internet for properties and then choose an agent. I encourage you to ask the questions to the agents you call like, what is your area of expertise? This could be the property type you're looking for, the territory they serve, are they confident showing you properties in multiple counties and if so, do they know the critical contacts to assist you to closing.
Article 11
The services which REALTORS® provide to their clients and customers shall conform to the standards of practice and competence which are reasonably expected in the specific real estate disciplines in which they engage; specifically, residential real estate brokerage, real property management, commercial and industrial real estate brokerage, real estate appraisal, real estate counseling, real estate syndication, real estate auction, and international real estate.
REALTORS® shall not undertake to provide specialized professional services concerning a type of property or service that is outside their field of competence unless they engage the assistance of one who is competent on such types of property or service, or unless the facts are fully disclosed to the client. Any persons engaged to provide such assistance shall be so identified to the client and their contribution to the assignment should be set forth. (Amended 1/95)
· Standard of Practice 11-1
•1. identification of the subject property
•2. date prepared
•3. defined value or price
•4. limiting conditions, including statements of purpose(s) and intended user(s)
•5. any present or contemplated interest, including the possibility of representing the seller/landlord or buyers/tenants
•6. basis for the opinion, including applicable market data
•7. if the opinion is not an appraisal, a statement to that effect (Amended 1/01)
- You WILL Receive The Finest Service! SRS & ABR Certified
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- Jewell Kaiser's e-mail
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Jay Cell 828-421-0375 Jewell Cell 828-421-8376 - Trulia
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Friday, October 30, 2009
Fever is rare with a cold.
Fever is usually present with the flu in up to 80% of all flu cases. A temperature of 100°F or higher for 3 to 4 days is associated with the flu.
A hacking, productive (mucus- producing) cough is often present with a cold.
A non-productive (non-mucus producing) cough is usually present with the flu (sometimes referred to as dry cough).
Slight body aches and pains can be part of a cold.
Severe aches and pains are common with the flu.
Stuffy Nose
Stuffy nose is commonly present with a cold and typically resolves spontaneously within a week.
Stuffy nose is not commonly present with the flu.
Chills are uncommon with a cold.
60% of people who have the flu experience chills.
Tiredness is fairly mild with a cold.
Tiredness is moderate to severe with the flu.
Sneezing is commonly present with a cold.
Sneezing is not common with the flu.
Sudden Symptoms
Cold symptoms tend to develop over a few days.
The flu has a rapid onset within 3-6 hours. The flu hits hard and includes sudden symptoms like high fever, aches and pains.
A headache is fairly uncommon with a cold.
A headache is very common with the flu, present in 80% of flu cases.
Sore Throat
Sore throat is commonly present with a cold.
Sore throat is not commonly present with the flu.
Chest Discomfort
Chest discomfort is mild to moderate with a cold.
Chest discomfort is often severe with the flu.
The only way to stop the spread of the epidemic is to spread the awareness.
Below is a shorter recapped version of what we have been hearing about the first time home buyers tax credit.
Sen. Johnny Isakson's (R-Ga.) office forwarded some additional details of the $8,000 tax credit deal that Senate negotiators worked out last night: The tax credit would be $8,000 for first-time home buyers and $6,500 for move-up buyers.
The new tax credits will be available from December 1, 2009 to April 30, 2010. The tax credit will sunset on April 30, 2010, but as long as you have a binding contract by that date, you will still qualify to complete the transaction within 60 days. Move-up buyers are eligible, as long as the home they're leaving has been used as their principal residence for 5 years or more.
Income limits for both first-time home buyers and move-up buyers would be $125,000 for individuals and $225,000 for married couples. The home being purchased may not cost $800,000. (The tax credit is structured that you will get 10 percent of the purchase price up to $8,000 for first-time buyers and $6,500 for trade-up buyers, but if you're buying a $1 million house, you're ineligible to get a tax credit.) For purchases made in 2010, taxpayers can claim the tax credit on their 2009 income tax return. Home buyers would not have to repay the credit provided the home remains their principal residence for 36 months after the purchase date.
The amendment includes a military waiver provision, meaning the recapture provision would not apply in the case of a member of the Armed Forces, military intelligence or Foreign Service who is on qualified official extended duty. In addition, members of the military who have been deployed overseas for 90 days or more in 2008 or 2009 would have until April 30, 2011 to claim the home buyer tax credit.
The amendment also includes anti-fraud language that gives authority to the IRS to do greater oversight during the processing of the return rather than waiting for an audit situation. The amendment requires the taxpayer claiming the credit to be 18 years of age or older (no more 4-year olds filing for the tax credit), as well as requiring a HUD-1 settlement statement to be attached when claiming the credit.
Thank you everyone for voting!! Your support has helped us win $500 for animal rescue. That money will take care of shots and spaying/neutering for 10 dogs or cats so they can find forever homes! We are hoping to be chosen for a top 4 spot to be announced on November 12th, and then the million dollar winner is announced on Thanksgiving Day! Send our thanks on to your friends and families that helped support Little Bitsy! We couldn't have done it without you all!! Thank you!! Evelyn, Sylvia and Little Bitsy
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Our County can receive up to 1 million dollars for Animal Rescued Pets. Please VOTE NOW but only once daily or she will be disqualified. Once you login do a search for Little Bitsy and vote. Link is below called do it for Bitsy.
This is an article from Vanity Fair as they too se the need to help.
Every Little Bits Helps
I'm going to break with precedence here. Or do I mean protocol? Oh let's not get hung up on semantics.
I don't believe it is the role of this blog to tell you, an autonomous, sentient flesh module capable of fixing your own lunch, whom to support in an election. This blog works on the assumption that you are mature enough to make up your own mind regarding a candidate or a ballot initiative, capable of casting your own futile, meaningless vote.
But I've discovered a candidate who speaks to my heart, for whom your vote(s) would not be in vain.
I speak of Little Bitsy, the remarkable dog whose soulful brown eyes I first found staring at me at Balloon Juice. Bitsy, a malnourished mixed terrier who was discovered and rescued at the side of a road after being struck by a car, is one of the thousands of worthy canines competing for the coveted title of Cutest Dog. It isn't just an honorary title. "Of the many prizes offered to the cutest dogs, the top prize will come in at a whopping $1,000,000. Little Bitsy's adopted owners have pledged 100% of any possible funds that they win to local animal rescue."
Although I am a cat person by temperament and joyful experience, Little Bitsy's cocked head and mute, beseeching stare speaks to my soul, and I intend to vote for Bitsy today, tomorrow, and each day until the votes are tallied, and I encourage you to do so too. Do it for animal rescue, do it for democracy, do it for America, do it for Bitsy.
Friday, October 16, 2009
As you will see in one of my recent posts we had a fabulous motorcycle ride from Brevard to Cherokee NC. With over 40 bikes, we didn't have a single incident, not even a flat. Those those that ride, the twisties are the best in the US, as well as the views are spectacular. For more information jsut give me a call or e-mail me at 828-421-0375
To our Biker Friends,
I just wanted to send out this email of appreciation to all of you and thanking you for taking part with us at some point in our motorcycle ministry here at Brevard Wesleyan Church. This past Sunday was our final ride for this year, the Annual Fall Colors Cherokee Run and it was a blast! In spite of early morning cloud cover, the turnout was awesome! It was a great turnout of riders with your awesome bikes and trikes! We had a great group that rode up from a number of different towns in South Carolina and a great bunch of riders from places here in North Carolina that I've never heard of. It's always a rush to see everyone pulling into the parking lot and to meet each of you! This is what makes our ride - you the people! The fellowship that we have out in the parking lot is awesome, and then to get to sit around a table of good food and talk with each other is really good. There was even a fellowship taking place as we proceeded down the highway (40 or 50 bikes) behind a police escort with his blue lights flashing and our motorcycle headlights on and watch the oncoming traffic stop and pull off the road thinking it's a funeral (that's an indicator of the respectful community that we live in); then to ride in the convoy to our destination of Cherokee. When we got to where we were to get on the Blue Ridge Parkway and found that the clouds and fog were too thick to get onto the Parkway, we had to remain on Hwy 276 (for safety) and actually rode the ride in reverse order as to what our plans were. By the time we had finished our meal at Granny's the cloud cover had burned off for the most part and we got on the Parkway for the return back to Brevard. There was only about, maybe, a three or four mile stretch right at the end of the Parkway part (where we would get back on 276) that was foggy and it was doable.
I have received emails from many of you, expressing how great of a time you had and how you'll be looking forward to other rides that we will be having. Thank you for your kind words and we, Brevard Wesleyan Church, will be looking for ALL of you to come back and take part with us again for other rides in the future. Keep us in mind for next spring's Blessing of the Bikes, which will be April 18th. An easy way to remember this event is that it will always be on the first Sunday AFTER tax deadline [April 15th]. I think tax deadline is pretty well etched into our minds. The Blessing of the Bikes is not where we come together to pray for the chrome and metal, but for the safety of you for that new riding season. Here's a challenge to each one of you. For next spring's Blessing of the Bikes, each one of you bring others with you.
Keep in mind, if there is ever anything that we at Brevard Wesleyan Church can do to help you along the way in your spiritual journey, feel free to contact me by either phone or email (or you're welcome to come by the church). We are here to serve you!
Thanks again to all of you and safe motoring until we meet again!
Sincerely, Hank Moffitt
(828) 883-8408
Thursday, October 15, 2009
3 BR / 3 BA 3,383 SF House - Brevard, NC 28712
Brevard & Transylvania County needs your help TODAY. Please Vote for Little Bitsy. County could win 1 Million Dollars for Sheltered Animals
Could This Dog Win $1 Million?
Link to vote but only vote once a day or Little Bitsy will be disqualified You can do a search using Little Bitsy to go right to her. Thanks in advance for voting and most of all for helping sheltered animals
Transylvania County's Little Bitsy is nipping at the heels of a $1 million prize that will be used for animal rescue efforts in Transylvania County, but she's going to need your help to win.
Local residents Sylvia and Barney Evans recently adopted Little Bitsy from local animal rescue volunteer Evelyn Bridges, who found the Rat Terrier mix after she had been hit by a car.
Now that she's all healed, Little Bitsy finds herself as a front-runner in the All American Pet Brands Cutest Dog Competition. In order to be eligible for the $1 million grand prize, she must first win one of 12 weekly competitions; 10 of those have already passed.
"We've only got two more weeks," said Bridges. "Little Bitsy has been in the top five for the past five weeks, out of over 60,000 dogs. She's receiving over 2,000 votes a week, but the other weekly winners have had four or five thousand.
"If we could just get the community to vote for her, we could win."
The prize money will be used for animal rescue efforts in the county. Bridges, a passionate animal advocate, works closely with the Transylvania County Animal Shelter and animal rescue groups such as TAAG, Friends For Life,
Animal Lighthouse, the Animal Compassion Network and others to help place animals in homes.
According to Bridges, last month she and other volunteers and friends pulled 31 animals from the local animal shelter.
Eight puppies were flown by the Pilots And Paws program from Greenville, S.C. to Orlando, Fla., and were then driven by volunteers to Port St. Lucie.
Bridges' husband, Marion, recently drove another seven dogs from Brevard to Minneapolis.
"Chuck Byrd and the staff at the local animal shelter work diligently to help us rescue the animals, Bridges said. "They do a great job with limited resources. But our shelter is a kill shelter. Owner turn-ins are the first to be put down. Strays are kept for five days, unless they get full, in which case it's first in, first down."
For Bridges, saving animals has been a life-long crusade. She conducted her first animal rescue almost 50 years ago, when she brought home a stray mother dog and four pups.
"My father, Charlie Powers, showed me by his example how to love animals, and that it was my duty to take care of them," she said.
Bridges is the first to admit that her passion can get expensive, which is why winning the contest is important.
The animals must be spayed, neutered and vaccinated before they can be transferred, not to mention the cost of feeding and housing them.
In fact, that's how Silvia and Barney Evans first met Little Bitsy. They volunteered to keep Little Bitsy while she became healthy enough to have surgery on her injured leg. Ultimately, the leg healed itself, but by that time they were so attached to Little Bitsy that they decided to adopt her.
To vote, do a Google search for "Little Bitsy Cutest Dog," which will take you directly to the voting page. First-time visitors will have to give an email address and password. You can only vote once per day.
If she wins one of the next two weekly competitions, she will receive $500. The public will vote once again for the top four out of those 12.
The finalists will receive $5,000, and the one chosen as the winner by the judges will get the $1 million grand prize.
Regardless of whether or not Little Bitsy wins, Bridges plans to keep right on rescuing animals.
"I have six rescue dogs in my home, and one rescued cat," she said. "I stop for every dog or cat I see on the side of the road. That's how I met Little Bitsy. It's my passion; it's what I want to do."
Bridges is in the process of forming a 501-C3 non-profit, Charlie's Angels Animal Rescue, named in honor of her father.
If you would like to know more about Bridges' rescue efforts, you can e-mail her at Monetary support can be sent to the Charlie Powers Memorial Animal Fund, c/o Evelyn Bridges, Steve Owen And Associates, 49 Pisgah Highway, Suite 4, Pisgah Forest, NC 28768. By Sean Trapp
Staff Writer
Monday, October 12, 2009
Riding my Motorcyle on Blue Ride Parkway looking at the Fall Colors & Check out the video's
Yesterday I rode with 60+ other riders from Brevard NC to Cherokee NC across the Blue Ridge parkway in the Pisgah National Forest. The fall colors were nothing but spectacular as well as the views at the overlooks.
We started our ride from the Brevard Wesleyan Church located in downtown Brevard and with a police escort as far as the entrance of the Parkway (maybe 2 miles) we headed up Hwy 276 to the Blue Ridge Parkway. At the entrance of the Parkway we rode into the clouds and often the visibility is so poor that it's hard to see 20 feet ahead of you so we decided to ride down into Waynesville and then into Cherokee NC.
After a buffet meal at Granny's (I highly recommend it) we headed back towards Brevard again but this time onto the Blue Ridge Parkway for some of the prettiest early season colors I have seen in a long time. The overlooks were full of lookers at the long range views and guessing some 60 miles of absolutely clear skies. Well it was cloudless until we got almost into Transylvania county and the clouds (some call it fog) rolled in as you will see in one of the below videos.
I hope you can get a since of the fall colors as they were really spectacular and ever changing almost every mile of the way. Don't ask how I took the videos' but after I told my wife she said now you know why I don't ride with you. She even asked how many times I checked my blackberry and e-mailed.
If you have never been to this part of Western NC its time you paid us a visit!
Riding in the Pisgah National Forest on the Blue Ridge Parkway
Here we are at over 5000 feet in elevation riding into the clouds
One more at almost 6000 foot Elevation on Blue Ridge Parkway headed home to Brevard from Cherokee NC
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
This is one tip I recently recieved from a home inspector that I am glad I got. I have been on a mission at home replacing all incandescent lights with CFL bulbs and was about to change the opener bulbs. Thanks to Altamont Inspections, LLC for some great tips.
There have been several warnings concerning the use of compact fluorescent light (CFL) bulbs in garage door openers. Most garage door openers use electronic switching similar to a dimmer switch to operate the light bulbs and it is not compatible with CFLs, even CFLs that are supposed to be "ruggedized" or dimmable. This switching incompatibility coupled with the inherent vibration of a garage door opener can damage the electronic circuits and can cause the electric motor to overheat to a potentially dangerous level. Neither the Genie Company, a company which makes door openers (call them at 800-354-3643), nor the General Electric Company, a CFL manufacturer, recommend the use of CFLs in garage door openers.
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Fall Colors in Brevard NC are progressing well and we should have a great year!
Fall Colors are going to be spectacular. Picture is from last year
I am really excited as the colors are starting to change a little faster than they were last week. As I just drove from Hendersonville this afternoon, and looked back across the mountains into the Pisgah National Forest you can see the contrast of yellow and some bright reds just starting out.
Now Downtown Brevard being at 2200 feet in elevation the color changes will be a little slower than those at the higher elevations. The picture I have attached was taken by John Krause a colleague of mine last year and the elevation is just over 2400 feet and taken from his lot he has for sale in SylvanHeights. See this link of the lot I own in SylvanHeights for pictures I took during the winter. Sylvan Heights in Brevard NC
Don't let the beautiful fall colors pass you by this year. Plan a trip to Brevard NC (click on the link to view the video). Jewell and I hope to see you soon and stay turned for leaf progress reports.
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