First ever zoning in Transylvania County update
As a member of the planning board for TransylvaniaCounty I can attest to the huge task we had before us to come up with the first ever zoning in the County. Not completed yet as we still have the CountyCommissioners to approve and adopt. Tonight we have a meeting on Brevard with the CountyCommissioners as well as the Pisgah Forest Community to discuss the proposed map and ordnance.
The Planning Board and staff finalized a draft zoning ordinance for the PisgahForest area at their November 19th regular meeting and identified the properties that should be zoned. This has been an exceptional and lengthy process that has required a tremendous amount of time and energy by board members and staff (particularly Mike Thomas and Trish Hamilton). Trying to develop an ordinance that meets the diverse needs of the citizens living in the PisgahForest area, the City of Brevard Council Members and the CountyCommissioners was a challenge. The Planning Board members have worked hard to craft a document that seeks the right balance – looking particularly at “community” and restrictions that focus, as noted in the initial study committee’s recommendations, on future growth along the US 64 and NC 280 corridors. The draft is currently on-line at
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