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Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Insurance tips and safety issues in your home: Tip of the month for October 2009
With today’s heavy use of electrical devices, it is quite common to run short of electrical outlets in the office, home or workshop. Often one will add a power strip to help alleviate the problem, but people will also add a second or even a third strip by plugging it into the original power strip, a practice known as daisy chaining. Unfortunately, daisy chaining can create a potentially serious fire loss due to overloaded electrical circuits.
Every year thousands of fires result from the misuse and overloading of power cords, power strips and surge protectors. Unfortunately, poor quality or defective power strips increase the dangers from misuse and overloading. There have also been recalls on various power strips. You may go to this website: to find out if your power strip has been recalled.
A power strip, otherwise know as a relocatable or temporary power tap, is not designed to be used as permanent wiring. When you are not using an electrical device connected to a power strip, it is recommended the power strip be unplugged from the outlet, unless the power strip is a UL or ELT listed device and has an internal fuse protector. There is no substitute for permanent wiring. A job most licensed electricians are willing to complete.
Guidelines for Use of Power Strips
- Use only surge protectors or power strips that are “listed” by UL (Underwriters Laboratory) or ELT (Electrical Testing Laboratories)
- Check to be certain the markings are readily visible on the back of the strip indicating the name of the manufacturer and testing lab used.
- Plug only one strip into single duplex (2 outlet) wall outlet.
- DO NOT DAISY CHAIN - Do not connect one strip to another forming a daisy chain.
- Avoid using an extension cord to reach a remote outlet.
- Visually inspect all power strips regularly to ensure they are not damaged, pinched, crushed or abused in any way.
- Unplug the strip when the appliance powered by the strip is not in use.
- If the power strip becomes hot to the touch – unplug and consult a licensed professional.
- Do not use a power strip that does not have an internal circuit breaker.
- Never use a three to two prong adapter to energize the unit.
- Never cut off the grounding prong of a 3-prong plug.
- Use strips with three –prong grounded plug or one with a polarized plug.
- Equipment with heating elements should not be energized via a power strip such as a hotplate, heat gun, coffee pot or a toaster.
Thank you, Priscilla Tinsley, CISR
What happened to me last night on the way home
Last night on the way home from work at about 7PM on Highway 64 East in front of the Pisgah Forest Cemetery there was a road block with the highway patrol. They checked licenses and checked to be sure we were wearing our seat belt. Then they handed me a paper entitled Transylvania County Residents in all caps, large print and bold text.
The paper went on to say that since January, 13 people have died on the roadways in our county, compared to only 2 at the same time last year. Of those 13, only 2 were properly restrained! If you won’t buckle up for yourself, do it for you family.
I am totally amazed that we still have people in today’s world that first don’t respect the law; if there state like North Carolina has seat belt laws, and won’t wear them. I remember as a child and at 59 years old that was a long time ago, but my dad bought a new Chevy I think Impala and it came with seat belts and back then we drove at wide open speeds so to speak. Our highways were posted 70 back then. So I am assuming seat belts have been around since the 50’s or early 60’s.
My 2nd cousin just 2 months ago driving impaired ran off the road, went through the windshield, became best friends with the highway some 65 feet sliding on it, still lived but has rods down the entire length of his back on both sides of the spine that he will have the rest of his life. I asked him why he didn’t wear a seat belt and even today he says he never will. In fact the week before the accident he got a ticket for not wearing his seat belt. I wonder what will happen to him the next time.
In short folks I agree with the highway patrol. If you won’t buckle up for yourself, do it for you family!
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Monarch Butterflies & will fly over Brevard NC
I have started to see the butterflies as they migrate to Mexico so did some research and below is some really interesting information. Just another reason as I say why I love Brevard area so much with not only it's lifestyle but Nature!
I have always wondered how a butterfly can fly all the way to Mexico from upper states. Then next year their young will fly back again. Soon on the Blue Ridge Parkway there will be dark cloud like swarms for a better term. You can park at an overlook at Wagon Road Gap, at over 5,000 feet in elevation and see this wonderful display of Gods creation cloud the skies.
Butterfly antennas key to navigating in migration
WASHINGTON — Millions of Monarch butterflies migrate to Mexico for the winter and scientists have long speculated on how the insects find their way. Turns out, their antennas are the key.
How do we know? Well, researchers painted butterfly antennas black, and the insects got lost.
Managing to fly south may not sound like a big deal to people armed with maps and GPS receivers, but all butterflies have for navigation is the sun in the sky.
And the sun keeps moving, so the little creatures have to constantly adjust to stay on course throughout the day.
Like most animals, Monarchs have a so-called circadian clock in their brain that helps them know what time it is. Knowing the time and the position of the sun allows them to orient to the south.
But Monarch butterflies have a second clock based in their antennas, which also sense light, according to the new study led by Dr. Steven M. Reppert, chairman of neurobiology at the University of Massachusetts Medical School.
“Whatever we learn about the insect … is going to tell us a little bit more about how our brain works,” said Reppert, who studies the internal clocks in the brains of animals, including people.
Plus, he added in a telephone interview, “it’s fascinating biology that’s begging to be understood.”
Researchers had thought the navigation took place in the brain of the butterfly, but this experiment shows that the brain and antenna each has a circadian clock and they work together, he said.
The researchers, whose study appears in Friday’s edition of the journal Science, did the test by holding the butterfly wings gently and dipping their antennas in enamel paint.
The ones with black paint were unable to orient to the south, they found, while butterflies whose antennas were coated with clear paint had no trouble navigating.
That not only showed the antennas were sensing light for navigating, it also showed that the sense of smell isn’t involved in finding the way, since both paints blocked that ability.
And, since the animals with black paint got lost even though their eyes were able to see light, the researchers concluded the antennas were vital to finding the way.
Butterflies whose antennas were surgically removed also became disoriented.
Charalambos P. Kyriacou of the University of Leicester, England, said the experiment indicates that the antennas serve as a sort of stand-alone global positioning system for the insects.
“The antenna clock appears to override any input from the brain clock for navigation,” Kyriacou, who was not part of Reppert’s research team, said in a commentary on the report.
Reppert’s research was funded by the National Institutes of Health.
On the Net:
Fall Colors expected to be fabulous in and around the Brevard NC area
It’s late September and we’re starting to see good color in the region’s higher elevations, particularly above 5000’. Mountains shielded the Asheville area from the worst of last week’s Southeastern downpour, so the trees still have plenty of leaves. The US Forest Service predicts that peak colors in areas which received plentiful rain should be most vivid and vibrant when drier cooler weather triggers foliage change. Director of Horticulture at Biltmore Parker Andes explains, “If October progresses like previous years, then we'll have a dry month with the first frost near the middle of the month. This will mean great fall color, because we still have lots of leaves on the trees.”
Goldenrods light up Grandfather Mountain, where leaf color is just beginning to show. |
Early fall wildflowers continue to bloom, creating a colorful understory beneath the forest canopy. Goldenrods, black-eyed susans and joe-pye weed dapple the roadside on the Blue Ridge Parkway. Sunflowers shine bright yellow by the Pisgah Inn, located on the Blue Ridge Parkway at milepost 408.6.
The profusion of brilliant red berries near the inn belong to the mountain ash, one of early fall’s most stunning tree species. Mount Pisgah offers a 360-degree view of the surrounding mountains and valleys. From an elevation of 5721’, you can see Cold Mountain and Mount Mitchell, the highest peak east of the Mississippi River at 6684’. Below Mount Mitchell you can also see Asheville, 25 miles away.
Continuing south along the Parkway, some great places to hike include Graveyard Fields (milepost 418.8), Devil’s Courthouse (milepost 422.4), and the upper Shining Rock area, accessible from the East Fork Trail (milepost 417.0). Although the full flood of fall color is still just around the corner, you will see poplars, red oaks, white oaks, and locusts begin to turn a range of red, orange and yellow at these higher elevations.
Mountain ash berries at the Pisgah Inn |
Another great drive full of trails and excellent vistas is north on the Blue Ridge Parkway. The Craggy Pinnacle Trail (milepost 364.2) and Mount Mitchell (milepost 355) both offer breathtaking panoramic views. Catch the rusty red of dogwoods, sumacs and sourwoods. Tulip poplars are turning yellow, and the maples species are in their earliest stages of color change.
Don't forget to Check out our deals in Real Estate. Visit www.HomeINBrevard.Com
Recent rainfall has given new life to the waterfalls of Western North Carolina, which should continue to have strong flow for the remainder of the season. Glassmine falls, located near Craggy Gardens on the Blue Ridge Parkway at milepost 361.2, can be seen just a few steps from the parking area. Highway 276, which connects Brevard and Waynesville, is home to the 85-foot Looking Glass falls and Moore Cove Falls. Also located on Highway 276 is the Cradle of Forestry, the first school of Forestry in America. Education/Interpretation Program Manager at the Cradle of Forestry Cindy Carpenter remarks, “This is a nice time of year to hike. You can pass openings where plants like white snakeroot are blooming, and joe-pye-weed and ironweed are attracting butterflies. In addition to wildflowers and trees, spreads of fall ferns are always lovely, whether in the open or in the woods.”
Enjoy a scenic waterfall together. |
Access Highway 276 by taking the Blue Ridge Parkway south to Wagon Road Gap (milepost 412.0). Immediately after the parking area, take a left to begin the 15-mile descent to Brevard. You may want to stop for lunch at one of the many scenic picnic spots. Continue on 276 until you reach Looking Glass Falls. The Pisgah Ranger Station, located on Highway 276, can provide more information on activities in the area. Alternatively, for an easier drive with fewer curves, take Highway 280 west toward Brevard, and turn right at Highway 276. Visit soon to catch the spiral ladies tresses orchid, still blooming on the roadsides where they can find the most light.
Thanks to the National Forest Service!
Monday, September 28, 2009
In Brevard NC home was to be a rental but owners remodeled the kitchen & put in top shape so said sell!
Hurry and take advantage of First Time Home Buyers Credit in this move in ready home. Highly sought after location with walking to college and restaurants, shops in just a few minutes.
Wonderful Cape Cod Style home close in home with new kitchen cabinets, refrigerator and stove, All hardwood floors, freshly repainted and ready to move in. There is a large detached shop/garage with electricity that is enclosed in the fully fenced in yard as is the house. Drive through and 2 walk through gates to enter fencing. A nearly new mower furnished to mow the all level lawn with an acceptable offer.
Appliances include a new stove, refrigerator. Washer and Dryer and dehumidifier in basement are included. Shard well with neighbor and you pay six months and neighbor pays six months. Normally averages under $10.00 per month.
Main floor includes the newly remodeled kitchen, bath, laundry, bedroom, living room-dining room combination. Used the large kitchen for dining and you will have a large living room area.
Second floor features 2 bedrooms with storage area and more storage in the custom hand made storage cabinet in the hall.
All this for a low price of $130,000. Don’t wait long or this gem will be gone!
To view the pictures visit
How good is your feedback from your agent after your house is shown and how secure is your house?
How good is your feedback from your agent is after your house is shown? The reason I ask is the North Carolina Mountain MLS and its regional board is about to vote on the new style of lock boxes and the agent keys to open them. Currently we have a system where and agent puts their digital key into the lock box located on or around your door, uses a code that's secure to only that agent, the box checks it versus the key and if they match, the key holder in the box opens to access the key to the house.
Then the agent at night is to charge there key by placing it in the charger that is connected at night to internet, and it makes a modem call to the lock box company that receives the information form the key as to what they went in that day. The following day the listing agent can get a report of who showed the house, what time, agents name and phone number. Now after the listing agent has thins information we can request feedback, call the agent to get there thoughts as well as the buyers. We do have an inherent problem as we have some agents that might leave the key in the car and not put it in the sync cradle at night so the key never calls the key box company and the process halts. So the listing agent may not get the report that the house was shown for several days to a week or longer.
Don’t be disturbed we have in place a safeguard where all our listing has the option of being put into a showing service. So when a buyer wants to see one our 6 houses an agent calls one number to set up the showings which are logged into a computer, the showing agent and the showing company and listing agent are then notified of the showing. So don't fear that there aren't controls in fact there are severe penalties if agents enter a home unauthorized including loss of MLS privileges. Loss of these privileges basically puts an agent out of business like a car salesman without any cars on the lot, so we take this seriously.
The key question I have is there is newer technology out that when an agent shows your house the new type of a key to open the box after it opens it, it calls via cell technology that your home was shown to the lock box company which then processes the information to all agents involved. As a listing agent of your home we now can have almost immediate access to know that your house was shown, and respond immediately to processing the information to the owner, request feedback for the showing agent, and if the listing agent had to turn on lights to the house they will then know it's OK to go turn them back off as necessary.
Feedback is critical not only to the listing agent but you as a home owner. Timely feedback has always been an issue for me, or no feedback as showing agents are not all created equal as my motto implies and they just don't provide it. As a heavy listing agent I need this feedback and quickly. I feel you as a homeowner deserves this. So back to the question, what can I do and other agents do better when listing and showing your home and providing you feedback? Should we as agents pay more for this technology, do you as homeowners feel it’s a service you should have?
Vote for Little Bitsy & help Animal Rescue of WNC
Little Bitsy is a recent rescue - 2 months ago she couldn't use one of her back legs. She had been hit by a car and not taken to a vet. She was badly malnourished and scared. Now she has put some meat on those bones and runs like I've never seen a dog run! So happy in her new home!)
Friday, September 25, 2009
How many agents will we loose in 2010 in Brevard Board
The budget committee has a huge task on there hands this year to try to keep our board viable and provide the services we need and deserve. If you have a desire to help with the financial committee we really could use your help.
What are your thoughts? And if you would like to follow one of my blogs, here is the link and lets all help each other this year. Be kind to each other when the stress of a negotiation gets under your skin.
Follow Me: Jay Kaiser's Blogs
Thursday, September 24, 2009
First Time Home Buyers Credit being considered for Extension..But Caution don't wait to see if it is!
White House may extend homebuyer tax credit (AP) – Sep 16, 2009 WASHINGTON — The White House is considering extending an $8,000 tax credit for first-time homebuyers. Spokesman Robert Gibbs says the administration's economic team is evaluating the tax credit's impact on new home sales and will make a recommendation to the president. The federal tax credit covers up to 10 percent of the home price, or up to $8,000, for first-time buyers. Home sales must be complete by the end of November. The tax break is credited with helping the number of U.S. home sales rise slowly. Builders and real estate agents say that trend could be reversed if the credit isn't extended.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
I saw this article & added comments on your Childs Computer work space
Upgrading the Homework Space
I found this article very interesting, even though I am an empty nester if I had young children I would highly consider where I would place the children’s computers for safety sake. My comments are going beyond the article. But as adults we all see the quantity of spam and porn that comes across our e-mails and we have a DUTY to protect our children. I would die if I had a 6 year old looking on the computer and guess what pops up but naked women or worse.
So the article and making a workspace in the families public area makes allot of since.
By Wendy Donahue
RISMEDIA, September 23, 2009—(MCT)—With the school year under way, parents are back to the difficult task of keeping their children on track- especially when it comes to homework. If you are looking for ways to keep your children focused, a designated homework space may be the answer you are looking for.
How to create an alcove
On a dime: Children don’t need the deep, hulking “magic desk.” Instead, scout out a kitchen corner or a small closet to convert, or look for a window niche to retrofit in the kitchen. Install a countertop across it, then buy a file cabinet on wheels which can be stored out of the way, under a countertop.
Deluxe: If you have the space, a playroom can provide surface area and storage for homework and craft projects.
On the walls
If you have a simple desk area in the kitchen, add a cork wall covering — using tiles or sheets. Custom-cut them to the space as a “backsplash,” with push pins to post schedules, good grades or quick references for math and grammar. Fabric-covered bulletin boards add a punch of color, as does a small lamp with a fabric shade.
Cheap thrills
Build enthusiasm for homework with a few affordable amenities for younger children: a fish-shaped stapler, a monster pencil sharpener that chomps as it works or the ultimate status symbol for youngsters — the 120-count box of Crayola Crayons.
Like New home in-between Brevard and Rosman for rent
Wonderful location just 3 miles to Historic Downtown Brevard, restaurants & shopping as and less to a grocery. This all one level home features easy access into the home with only 1 step at the front door and onto the covered rocking chair front porch. The home is light and bright with an open floor plan with a great room/living room with cathedral ceiling. Open dining and kitchen with a breakfast bar. The kitchen is just off of the 2 car oversized garage with storage. Large rear deck to enjoy our all season weather and it overlooks the large level yard. Access onto the deck is from the living room and the garage. Then there's plenty of parking with a side parking area large enough for a small RV or boat. Don't wait long as this home is one of our fasted rentals when it’s available. Call Jewell today 828-421-8376 or E-Mail Pictures at:
Large Country Charmer on 3 acres for rent in the Brevard NC area
Large country charmer on over 3 acres. Not only does it have the 3 bedrooms but an office, huge game room. All hardwood floors except game room has vinyl. Includes a riding mower for lawn maintenance, washer and dryer, stove, refrigerator microwave, and dishwasher and pest service included in the rent. Just 5 minutes from downtown Brevard you will find the house located off a paved road and down a long private driveway to the farm house. You will pass a large garden area, fruit trees and berries. There is a wonderful gas log fireplace in the living room and house has gas propane heat as well. The kitchen has been fully re modernized as you will see in the pictures. Then just off the kitchen and game room you can access a huge private outdoor deck to enjoy all of mountain area wildlife including our white squirrels. Give us a call today for more information Jewell 828-421-8376 or her e-mail is JewellKaiser@FisherRealtyNC.Com
Cape Cod Home 3 Bedroom 1 Bath and walk to Blue Ridge Community College
Cape Cod Style home close in home with new kitchen cabinets, refrigerator and stove, All hardwood floors, freshly repainted and ready to move in. Includes a detached shop with a mower furnished to mow the lawn. Pest treatment service, washer & dryer, and water are all included in the rent. Main floor includes the kitchen, bath, laundry, and bedroom, living room and dining.
Second floor has 2 bedrooms with storage area cabinetry.
Can't beat the house for the money. Owner will consider rent to own or possible sell the home for around $130,000.00
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Transylvania County Flooding Rains
Transylvania County Flooding Rains
Friday, September 18, 2009
6+ Acres in Steel Creek-High Cool Elevation & Easy to build on. Horses are Allowed
Gorgeous property in the highly desired community of Steel Creek in CedarMountain NC. Steel Creek is just minutes to the DuPont StateForest, Caesars Head State Park & Downtown Brevard. Greenville SC is less than an hour away as well as less for Hendersonville and 45 minutes to Asheville.
6+ acres and priced to sell. A must see!
Vote for Little Bitsy & Help Brevard & Transylvania County with Rescue Dogs
Charlie's Angels A Rescue Group for Abused and Abandoned Animals
Needs YOUR Help!
Please go to the Cutest Dog Competition site at every day until the end of October and vote for "Little Bitsy". She is one of Evelyn Bridge's rescues and if Little Bitsy wins during the contest she wants to give it to Evelyn's Fund! They are picking winners weekly so vote for her every day. The votes go back to 0 on Sunday and the week begins again.
Let's see if we can win $500 (or more! ) to help other dogs just like Little Bitsy have happy endings too!
Again, here is the link below - click on and register and vote every day!
Little Bitsy thanks you!
Little Bitsy was adopted by Sylvia and Barney Evans.
Commercial-Residential property in Brevard NC Priced to Sell
This property has multiple uses. Currently it's used as a single family home but potential for multifamily, and then there is the 4 car garage built with the potential of converting to a business or other uses. The third=d building has been rented for many years to an insurance company. All buildings are in top shape condition and offer at least 15 parking spaces. Call me for more specifications today! 828-41-0375 and thanks for looking at this wonderful multiuse property.
3 buildings, 1-1400 Sq Ft currently leased to an insurance company, 2ND is a partially heated 1800sq ft garage that was built for future other uses. 3rd is a residence easily converted to other uses, 3600+ sq ft on main level & 1200+ in lower level. High traffic flow, close to courthouse, restaurants & businesses. Unlimited. potential uses for all 3 structures. 2 banks, laundry, funeral home, offices, hardware are neighbors, prime location in Brevard
Just a couple blocks for Historic Main Street Brevard. Wonderful restaurants, antique shops, art, and even walking distance to BrevardCollege. 2 banks across the street as well as other businesses. High traffic flow if you desire to all properties to commercial, offices, retail and more.
Link to web site with details
More Pictures
Great Video on Brevard and just another reason why you should make Brevard your next destination
Why Brevard, Look at this short video that features views of our Brevard College, our waterfalls, downtown Brevard, the Brevard music center and more. Need more information contact Jay today 828-421-0375
Thursday, September 17, 2009
History of the White Squirrel in Brevard NC
Excerpts from The Transylvania Times:
Apparently, Brevard’s white squirrels originated from a carnival animal truck. According to Brevard resident Mrs. W.E. Mull, a pair of white squirrels was given to her brother-in-law, H.H. Mull, by Mr. Black of Madison, Florida, in 1949. A carnival truck had overturned near Black’s home and the squirrels were caught by Mr. Black when he observed them playing in his pecan grove.
Mull gave the critters to his niece, Barbara, who unsuccessfully tried to breed them. In 1951 she married and left home. Eventually, one of the white squirrels escaped and Mr. Mull soon let the other one go. Before long, the squirrels began breeding in the wild and appeared in several areas of town.
The white squirrels became so prized that the Brevard City Council voted to approve an ordinance declaring and establishing a sanctuary for squirrels, especially the white ones, in 1986. And that it “shall be unlawful for any person to hunt, kill, trap, or otherwise take any protected squirrels within the city by this section.”
Biologists recognize no known species of all-white squirrels in the world. The Brevard squirrels, with dark eyes and sometimes gray streaked fur, are not albinos==a condition in which an animal’s body has no melanin, a color pigment, resulting in white skin and fur, and pink or reddish eyes.
In addition to Brevard, white squirrels have been spotted in Olney, IL; Versailles, IL; Hodgenville, KY; Marionville, MO; Trenton, NJ; Bloomfield, NY; Greenwood, SC; and Kenton, TN. But only Brevard holds an annual festival in their honor!!
Ever seen a white squirrel??? We have them here in Brevard NC
Ever seen a white squirrel???

Brevard Jaycees sent a message to the members of Transylvania County Toy Run.
Brevard Jaycees sent a message to the members of Transylvania County Toy Run.
"We are 9 days away from hosting our largest Toy Run ever! If you have a motorcycle of any kind and would like to tour through Transylvania County and support our Toys for Kid at Christmas program, show up on Saturday Sept 26th. A new $10 toy or $10 donation will get you in. Lunch, entertainment, door prizes, 50/50 drawing, tee shirt sales, and more. Bring your friends."
Residence with Commercial income property
This property has multiple uses. Currently it’s used as a single family home but potential for multifamily, and then there is the 4 car garage built with the potential of converting to a business or other uses. The third=d building has been rented for many years to an insurance company. All buildings are in top shape condition and offer at least 15 parking spaces. Call me for more specifications today! 828-41-0375 and thanks for looking at this wonderful multiuse property.
For Pictures, map & more see this link
Tax Breaks Beneficial for Buyers, Sellers and Owners
Buying a home
Homebuyers can make the most of several tax breaks that help lower their tax bill based on the purchase of an existing or new home. For instance:
Owning a home
If a taxpayer typically has claimed the standard deduction, owning a home will likely mean itemizing for extra deductions. Some tax breaks for homeowners include:
Read full article here:
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Reduced almost $35,000 for a quick sale. Property joins the Pisgah National Forest which is hard to find
The Backyard is the Pisgah National Forest
300 Hubert McCall Drive Balsam Grove, NC 28708 See this property on a map | $199,900 2 bedrooms, 2 full baths, 1930 sqft Lot size .96 | Nearly new home built in 2005 1-1/2 story home & a full unfinished engineered basement. Adjoins the Pisgah National Forests 1,076,711 acres on 2 sides with trails into the Forest. Bonus Room ideal office-den-media room. 2nd level floors are old-refinished heart pine flooring. Open floor plan on main level, kitchen-dining-living/great room, master & laundry. Great outdoor spaces with a 3 side wrap around deck. Year round & winter views, privacy, garden spaces & much more! | |
MLS Number | 443710 | Year Built | 2005 |
Subdivision | None | Estimated Taxes | 1129 |
Square Footage | 1930 sqft (1930 heated, 1180 unfinished) | Basement | Full Unfinished |
Lot Size | .96 | Lot Description | .96 Acres adjoining the Pisgah National Forest |
Bedrooms | 2 | County | Transylvania |
Full Bathrooms | 2 | Elementary School | TC Henderson |
Half Bathrooms | 1 | Middle School | Rosman |
Stories | 2 | High School | Rosman |
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Horse Farm Just 2.8 Miles to DuPont State Forest Horse Trails
Location-Location in this highly sought after property type as well as just a few minutes from DuPont, and maybe 12 minutes to Brevard & Hendersonville. Best yet only 2.8 miles to the trails at DuPont State Forest’s some 40 plus miles of multiuse trails.
This estate farm consists of 12 Acres with fantastic mountain Views. The main house is a furnished Blue Ridge (model Blowing Rock C with many modifications) modular & stick built home & bunk house, barn, and a horse run in. There is an approximate 3+- acre fenced pasture, with a 2nd pasture & home site already cleared with great views & privacy. Pasture is fully fenced with 2 paddock’s, HiEnd horse fencing, lots of gates strategically placed for easy access from multiple areas.
The Main house has 3 bedrooms, 2.5 baths, 592 sq' covered decks oversized 2 car garage, in law suite in the lower level and is absolutely near perfect condition. The open floor plan, high ceilings, fully equipped kitchen, master on main with a large jet tub as well as a shower and double sinks. There is a quest bedroom on the main level with a full bath just out side the door to the great room. Then the loft is ideal for more quests and it too includes a half bath. Basement or lower level is a full in law suite or ideal media center with a full kitchen, full bath with second laundry, and a nice size bedroom & closet.
All out buildings have water and the bunk house has a 40 foot covered area to wash & groom the horses. The easily heated 1200 sq. foot Bunk house is heated with a top of the line Pellet wood stove. Stick built with same log siding as main house as is the barn & run in and has a 2 bedroom septic installed so it can easily be converted into a second home. It has a full bath, washer and dryer, refrigerator and sink. There is plenty of room to ad a stove and it actually could be converted into a couple apartments. Not only is it ideal as a guest house but could easily seat 75 people for large get together’s or a training facility.
Video from Horse Run In with views of the main house, bunk house and barn. You will notice the entire property is nestled in its own cove. Behind the main house is a second pasture or house site, for another home or multiple cabins and so many other possibilities. There is a small branch that crossed the rear of the property in the woods behind the second clearing.
Picassa Pictures
Saturday, September 12, 2009
White Squirrel Bicycle Tours a New Business in Brevard
NC is still prospering when other areas show a down market the proofs in new business are opening up.
There is a new business within a new business in downtown Brevard. White Squirrel Bicycle Tours is housed in the new Tourist Trap store at 51 W. Main Street and offers special 90-minute bicycle rides starting in downtown and winding through the Silvermont mansion property, Franklin Park, the Brevard College campus and other areas known for an abundance of white squirrels. Visitors will also learn facts and figures about the history and folklore of Brevard and Transylvania County. Tour Director Joe Davis can be reached at 577-2295 or by email at
White Squirrel Bicycle Tours a New Business in Brevard
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Free Program: Water Wonders Spanish- Language Tour
Saturday September 26, 2009
Guided walks in Spanish at 10:30am and 3:00pm, English at 1:30pm
Location: Cradle of Forestry
In honor of the 15th annual National Public Lands Day, the Cradle of Forestry will offer family-oriented programs in both Spanish and English on September 26. All ages are invited to come enjoy the Cradle free of charge on this special day.
A Cradle Naturalist will lead a "Water Wonders" (Maravillas del Agua) walk along the wheelchair-accessible 1.3 mile paved Forest Festival Trail. The walk will highlight the historical uses of public lands, and the many ways in which our forests affect watersheds and water quality. Following the one-hour tour, children ages 5-12 are invited to participate in a short game in which they will learn about the water cycle and its importance to living things.
Admission for this event is FREE!
Today's mortgage rates are nationally lower than last week. According to the 30 year-fixed rate is 5.21 percent. It was 5.27 percent last week. The 15 year fixed rate currently is 4.68, which is down from 4.72 last week. The rate on 5 year ARM is 4.37, down from 4.57 of last week.
The rates will of course differ from one another based on your location. However, the downtrend from last week is apparent.
Flood Plain Issues in Summary
Revised 9-8-2009 by Jay Kaiser
(as interpreted by Barbara Tapley, 9/09)
Below is a fantastic interpreted document for The City of Brevard in Transylvania County.
The City of Brevard has rules and regulations somewhat similar but all the same different than that of the County in regards to what can and cannot be placed within a flood area.. The City has what is called the UDO
Transylvania County is well known for its hundreds of waterfalls and the headwaters of the French Broad River. As is most river basins there is always a potential of flooding in the low lying areas. You might ask, how can the mountains flood? The French Broad River even though at 2000 foot in elevation and higher with some areas lower to 1800 feet is no different than areas nearly at sea level.
Below you will see what Barbara found to be true for the city of Brevard. In the County (Transylvania County) there is one huge difference in that in the 100 year flood area you can in-fact build as long as what we call the free board is greater than one foot above the FFE. As a member of the Transylvania County Planning Board we have made a recommendation to the County Commissioners for a 2 foot free board. It was studied and the reduced cost of flood insurance versus the payback to build 2 feet higher has a short term payback in most cases. This is to be voted on Sept. 14, 2009.
Barbara’s comments for the City requirements below:
The purpose of mapping flood hazard areas is to prevent the loss of life and property that could occur if homes or businesses are built in areas where periodic flooding is possible.
The flood maps are in the Transylvania County GIS accessible directly from their website or by clicking on the site on our MLS. Identify the parcel and apply “proposed flood mapping.” The “existing flood mapping” is easier to interpret, but should go away in another month or so when the proposed maps take effect. In summary, here’s what the designations mean:
Flood Plain & flood mapping in the City of Brevard and Transylvania County
Flood Way: Indicated by slashes (//////) on former maps, but can’t see this on the new maps! You can call the City Planning Department for them to print out the version they are able to produce which does show the flood way. Nothing can be built in a designated flood way.
100 Year Flood Plain/AE: The new designation is “AE” and nobody seems to know what those initials stand for. This is the lighter blue color on the maps. New construction can occur in this zone provided flood studies (called “H and H” studies, Hydraulic and Hydrological) and subsequent engineering takes place. This can involve either fill and grading or elevating structures or both. A floodplain development permit from the city of Brevard is required prior to performing grading or construction. A new structure must be one foot (residential) or two feet (commercial) above what is determined to be the high water mark in a 100-year flood.
500 Year Flood Plain/A: This is the dark blue on the maps. This designation is not really cause for much concern…you can build anything you want in this zone. You do still need to get the floodplain development permit prior to any construction.
Flood Insurance: Everybody in our county is eligible to buy flood insurance, regardless of what the flood risk of their property is. It is affordable and easy to get from any property insurance company. Without insurance, property damage/economic loss is the owner’s responsibility. Most mortgage companies will REQUIRE the purchase of flood insurance if any part of a property is in a flood zone (even the 500 year
Monday, September 7, 2009
Finding that pesky, annoying roof leak can be a real pain and is best left to professionals. That said, most roof leaks happen at flashings. Flashings connect a roof to something that is not a roof such as chimneys, valleys, where a roof bumps into a wall, skylights, plumbing stacks, etc. Check the flashings before spending any time looking at the shingles. (Video by Danny Lipford of DYI) Danny Lipford says, "Roof leaks can be hard to find, since they often run down the underside of sheathing or rafters to show up far from their actual source. The best time to try and find a leak is when it's raining outside, or you can also mimic rain conditions by spraying water on the roof. Go in the attic and look for damp spots or water stains, trace them back to their highest point, then examine that part of the roof for any potential problems.
Roof leaks can be hard to find, since they often run down the underside of sheathing or rafters to show up far from their actual source. The best time to try and find a leak is when it’s raining outside, or you can also mimic rain conditions by spraying water on the roof.
Go in the attic and look for damp spots or water stains, trace them back to their highest point, then examine that part of the roof for any potential problems.
Friday, September 4, 2009
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Most DIYers should be able to replace a shower head easily. To remove simply unscrew the old head from the water pipe (check for and remove any set screws). Most can actually be unscrewed by hand. If not, use masking tape on the jaws of a wrench or a pair of Vise Grips (to prevent marring) and unscrew it. Turn slowly and hold the water supply line while you are unscrewing the showerhead - you don't want to break the supply pipe. Clean off the base and threads of the stem and then apply plumbers dope or tape around it. Visually inspect to make sure the shower head is straight and then hand tighten the new shower head on the stem and turn on the water to test for leaks. Not sure which shower head? has points to consider and ratings (members only) or see a retail site such as Neatitems.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Henderson County's Famous Apple Festival is an outgrowth of the original Henderson County Centennial Celebration held in 1938. Following the centennial celebration, it was decided by a group of leading citizens that an annual fall festival was more desirable. For two years, 1939 and 1940, the event was held at the conclusion of the summer season. At the onset of World War II the festival was discontinued.
The festival program has varied slightly from year to year, but it has always contained crowd-pleasing events. Up until the mid 1980s, the festival was a week to ten days of activities.
Past activities included a beauty pageant (second only to the state's Miss North Carolina Pageant) muzzle-loader shoots, dancing and musical events. In 1988, the Apple Festival Committee shortened the event to four days to allow the festival to be considered as a well-packaged extended vacation for visitors and as exciting festivities for locals.
Events are varied, with Hendersonville's Historic Main Street hosting the most excitement. More than 150 vendors line eight blocks of the main event area. There is continuous entertainment on our professional stage from 10am to 10pm Friday through Sunday. The King Apple Parade, always held on Labor Day, culminates the Main Street activities. Reminiscent of early festivals, the North Carolina Apple Festival closes with a street dance.
The Apple Festival’s Street Fair covers 9 blocks of Main Street with more than 150 vendors . Main Street is closed to traffic from 6th Avenue to Caswell Street.
North Carolina is the 7th largest apple-producing state in the nation and Henderson County is the largest apple-producing county in North Carolina. The most widely-grown apples are Red Delicious, Golden Delicious, Rome Beauty and Galas. In addition, many orchards grow a number of other varieties. Fresh apples may be purchased at one of the many roadside apple markets or produce stands located throughout the county.